all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 9AA 22 12 52.059279 -1.340152
OX16 9AB 9 8 52.059401 -1.340952
OX16 9AD 3 3 52.057428 -1.34069
OX16 9AE 10 7 52.058294 -1.340793
OX16 9AF 21 5 52.058377 -1.339932
OX16 9AG 4 0 52.04772 -1.333031
OX16 9AH 21 1 52.05691 -1.339574
OX16 9AJ 32 4 52.055151 -1.338652
OX16 9AL 1 1 52.054406 -1.33719
OX16 9AN 31 6 52.054165 -1.339148
OX16 9AP 39 0 52.049881 -1.338307
OX16 9AQ 6 0 52.047288 -1.332834
OX16 9AR 25 0 52.049497 -1.337132
OX16 9AS 32 1 52.048208 -1.336582
OX16 9AT 49 0 52.045911 -1.339095
OX16 9AU 40 0 52.046211 -1.339645
OX16 9AW 18 0 52.051458 -1.337409
OX16 9AX 6 0 52.04781 -1.337564
OX16 9AY 9 0 52.048631 -1.336722
OX16 9AZ 8 0 52.049346 -1.335967